April New Moon

April's New Moon is a potent moment of powerful manifestation energy. Since this New Moon is in the sign of Aries - the first sign of the zodiac - it is all about new beginnings. It is an excellent time to set intentions and make declarations to spark your creativity and enhance your overall energy levels. It is also a great time to forgive yourself for past transgressions and clear negative habits from your life. 

A New Moon can affect us all differently. For many, the low light can manifest as low energy & we may feel tired, introspective & ready to indulge in some introverted time. This is why you should make time for a New Moon ritual that will recharge your batteries. 

A Powerful New Moon Ritual

  • Set your intentions for the month ahead, announcing your goals to the Universe and giving thanks for all the powerful energy it is providing you with 

  • Hold your crystals and garner their energy whilst visualising your manifestations

  • Cleanse your crystals with white sage 

  • A powerful Oracle card spread to guide you in a particular area of your life 

  • Indulge in some self-care rituals

  • Take time away from technology, eat nutritious food and enjoy this peaceful time

Working with crystals during a New Moon ritual will amplify and enhance lunar energies to their fullest potential. Some of the most powerful and amazing crystals for manifestation and protection we use during a New Moon are; 

Selenite which helps to channel divine energy and to power your manifestations and affirmations.  

Clear Quartz has the ability to enhance mental clarity and assists with creating more focus and clarity around a particular desire. 

Black Tourmaline is a stone of protection and grounding and shields our aura to absorb negativity. Work with this crystal for planting seeds of intention for confidence and security. 

Labradorite is a powerful stone of transformation that works with the Third Eye and Crown Chakra to help open up our guidance from our higher selves and access our intuition. 

Lapiz Lazuli enhances and balances our Throat Chakra to help express our most authentic selves. 

Smokey Quartz assists with absorbing negative energy and transforming it into something positive. It acts as a protective shield and works with our Root and Sacral Chakra. 

Moonstone is a dreamy crystal that works to harmonise our inner ying and yang and connect us with our higher selves.


Perlota Soul Collection


Meditation Guide